it’s okay.
Today I come to you as none other than Sara Rodriguez. Bearing nothing but pure raw realness in hopes of feeling lighter after writing.
If you know me through Instagram I’m sure you’ve noticed my constant traveling, cool new videos and me carrying on with life per usual. But what you don’t see is the other 90% of my ACTUAL life.
The tears, the family issues, the hopelessness, the lack of motivation, the constant self-criticism, the desire for a genuine romantic and/or platonic love, and just overall feeling of not knowing where I belong or what my purpose is.
Instead, you see my cheesy ass selfies, giving back to the community, friends, nights out, traveling… yet all that is is a band-aid.
Today I noticed the stickiness starting to bleed around the edges of this bandaid which is the #1 sign it’s time to take it off and air it out.
So here I am about to air it all out. I think it’s time to just come clean about who I am and what I’m currently struggling with. In hope, this will be the beginning of a new journey in reaching mental clarity.
No more covering up my sadness with trips and nights out. Although that will continue, I want it to be a celebration and reward for the things I have promised myself and fully executed to my fullest potential.
In other words, this blog.
Not fully (thank God), but for a while, I didn’t even want to look at it.
I didn’t feel like I knew what I was doing, I didn’t feel confident in the storyline I was creating, and I wasn’t sure if I was even doing it for me; so I stopped…
I wanted to take some time to figure out what I wanted this blog to be. Who do I want to target, what do I want it to be about, and the biggest question, am I even doing this for me? Is it helping me release stress or is it creating it? Am I concluding every blog post with a message? How consistent do I want to be? Do I want to make this a hustle or a strictly creative outlet?
I haven’t answered all of those questions just yet, but that’s okay.
AND THAT is the message.
It is OKAY.
Just be.
Let go of the control.
It’ll work out exactly how it’s meant to.